Textiles + E-Textiles
'‘Palms’ (2024)
E-textile audio interface (conductive fabric, mixed cotton fabrics, padding, Adafruit flora board)
210 x 210 x 50mm each
MIDI triggers made for use with Ableton in workshops, programmed to trigger a combination of drones.
Used by Autism Able participants during a workshop exploring local heritage via electronic music composition for Historic England, 2024.
'‘The Battle-hardened Battle Soft’ (2023)
E-textile audio interface (conductive fabric, chiffon, needlecord, cotton, Adafruit flora board)
Made for Worm Saliva live performance, from ‘Battle Broadcast’ series. Short performance clip below.
‘Midday Sun (Interior)’ (2023)
Mixed textile (cotton/linen)
Inspired by reconstruction of the commanding officer’s house at Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields
'‘Capture the Flag’ (2023)
Mixed textile and cyanotype prints (cotton, organza, linen)
Left & Right 30x90cm
Central 50x80cm
Made for Worm Saliva live performance, hanging from pole used as ‘battle trumpet’ (singing through contact mic)
'‘As Air / As Sea’ (2023)
Textile (cotton)
60x60cm (each)
Cotswold Morris dance style handkerchiefs made for Me Lost Me ‘Festive Day’ music video.
'‘Marriage and Impalement’ (2023)
Mixed Textile (linen, cotton)
Scraps collage inspired by heraldic tradition of ‘impaling’ (combining) two family crests together when a marriage occurs. Name taken from chapter title in ‘The Story and Language of Heraldry’ by Stephen Slater
'‘Feeble Strength Society of Friends’ (2022)
Textile (cotton)
Stage banner Commissioned by Feeble Strength